Cloud HSM Comparison AWS CloudHSM vs Azure Dedicated HSM

October 07, 2021

Cloud HSM Comparison: AWS CloudHSM vs Azure Dedicated HSM

Welcome to another exciting comparison from the Flare Compare Team. Today, we'll be comparing two popular cloud-based hardware security modules – AWS CloudHSM and Azure Dedicated HSM. We'll be taking a detailed look at their features, pricing, and performance to help you make an informed decision.

What is CloudHSM?

AWS CloudHSM is a cloud-based hardware security module that provides an on-demand key storage and encryption service. It allows customers to securely generate, store, and manage cryptographic keys using an FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated hardware device.

What is a Dedicated HSM?

Azure Dedicated HSM is a cloud-based Hardware Security Module (HSM) service that provides FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated cryptographic key storage and management service. It utilizes dedicated HSMs that are exclusively allocated to a customer's subscription, ensuring that keys are secure and isolated from other customers.

Features Comparison

Both AWS CloudHSM and Azure Dedicated HSM provide a secure key storage and management service. They offer a similar set of features as follows:

AWS CloudHSM Features

  • FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certification
  • Dedicated hardware device
  • Secure key management service
  • High availability and redundancy
  • Integration with AWS CloudTrail for audit logging
  • Support for multiple APIs and platforms including PKCS#11 and Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE)
  • Support for customer-managed encryption keys to meet specific regulatory requirements

Azure Dedicated HSM Features

  • FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certification
  • Dedicated hardware device
  • Secure key management service
  • High availability and redundancy
  • Integration with Azure Key Vault for key management and access control
  • Support for multiple APIs and platforms including PKCS#11 and CNG (Cryptography Next Generation)
  • Support for customer-managed encryption keys to meet specific regulatory requirements

Pricing Comparison

Both AWS CloudHSM and Azure Dedicated HSM offer pay-as-you-go pricing models based on the number of HSMs and the usage duration.

AWS CloudHSM Pricing

  • $1.45 per hour per HSM
  • $0.05 per 10,000 key operations

Azure Dedicated HSM Pricing

  • $2.60 per hour per HSM
  • $1.50 per 10,000 key operations

Performance Comparison

According to third-party benchmarks, AWS CloudHSM provides better cryptographic performance than Azure Dedicated HSM. Here are some key metrics to compare the two services:

AWS CloudHSM Performance

  • RSA key generation: 2.65 seconds
  • RSA key signing: 0.0009 seconds
  • RSA key verification: 0.0005 seconds
  • AES-256 encryption: 0.00014 seconds
  • AES-256 decryption: 0.00011 seconds

Azure Dedicated HSM Performance

  • RSA key generation: 3.5 seconds
  • RSA key signing: 0.00171 seconds
  • RSA key verification: 0.00088 seconds
  • AES-256 encryption: 0.00026 seconds
  • AES-256 decryption: 0.00021 seconds


While both AWS CloudHSM and Azure Dedicated HSM provide similar features and pricing, AWS CloudHSM delivers better cryptographic performance. Depending on your specific requirements, either service could be the right choice for your organization.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in making an informed decision, and as always, thank you for choosing Flare Compare for all your cloud service comparison needs.


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